
template NBTCommon(NBTType id, T, PrefixLength = int)
mixin template for primitive types and arrays. Where all arrays implement the index operator and a length prefix of the PrefixLength argument type.

See Also:

this(T value = T.init, string name = "");

string toString();
"NBTType('name') = value"

@property size_t length();
the length of this array.

class NBTByte: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTShort: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTInt: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTLong: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTFloat: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTDouble: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTByteArray: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTString: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

class NBTIntArray: nbtd.INBTItem.INBTItem;

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